Publication details [#17165]
Vidal Claramonte, Mª Carmen África. 2009. Traducción y asimetría [Translation and asymmetry]. In Baigorri, Jesús and Helen J. L. Campbell, eds. Reflexiones sobre la traducción jurídica / Reflections on legal translation (Interlingua 76). Granada: Comares. pp. 25–36.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
The author addresses the act of translating as a non-neutral, not at all innocent activity, since it is always related, no matter the type of text, to the ideology of the person who commissions the translation, of the translator and of the recipient of the translation. Translating, she says, is not simply building bridges. It can also be a form of emphasizing power asymmetries which are present in our globalised society, which is also hybrid and postcolonial.
Source : Based on abstract in book