
Publication details [#17292]

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This chapter examines the growing field of Audiovisual Translation which is reflective of the development of new media with different forms of text production and language communication. Audiovisual Translation is one of several overlapping umbrella terms that include ‘media translation”, “multimedia translation”, “multimodal translation” and “screen translation”; These different terms all set out to cover the interlingual transfer of verbal language when it is transmitted and accessed both visually an acoustically, usually, but not necessarily, through some kind of electronic device. The two most widespread modalities adopted for translating products for the screen are dubbing and subtitling. The article looks at the linguistic and cultural issues in the translation of audiovisual products and discusses the dubbing and subtitling process as well as the advantages and disadvantages of these modalities. It also discusses some other screen translation modalities such as voice-over, localization for video games, real-time subtitling and respeaking.
Source : A. Matthyssen