Publication details [#175]
Delisle, Jean. 2002. Portraits de traductrices [Portraits of women translators] (Perspectives on Translation). Ottawa: Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa. viii + 408 pp.
Publication type
Publication language
This collection lets us penetrate in the office of eleven women who translated novels, scientific work, historical studies and philosophical texts. Thanks to translation, these independent and determined women were able to confirm their selves on the social plan and to express their ideas in an era in which that was prohibited for women. Doing so, these women contributed to the changing point of view concerning the intellectual capacities of women. This book gives an overview of eleven women translators, all exceptional women who deserve to be better known.
Source : Based on publisher information
Articles in this volume
Garnier, Bruno. Anne Dacier: un esprit moderne au pays des anciens [Anne Dacier: a modern mind in the land of the old]. 13–54
Sanz, Amelia. Anne de La Roche-Guilhem, "rare en tout" [Anne de La Roche-Guilhem, "peculiar in everything"]. 55–85
Whitfield, Agnès. Emilie du Châtelet, traductrice de Newton, ou la traduction-confirmation
[Emilie du Châtelet, Newton’s translator, or the translation-confirmation
]. 87–115
Delisle, Jean. Albertine Necker de Saussure, traductrice de transition, sourcière du romantisme [Albertine Necker de Saussure, transition translator, dowser of romanticism]. 117–171
Vrinat-Nikolov, Marie. Ekaterina Karavelova, une traductrice discrète [Ekaterina Karavelova, an inconspicuous translator]. 205–238
Masiola Rosini, Rosanna. Marianna Florenzi: la "belle marquise" volage en quête de fidélité absolute [Marianna Florenzi: the volatile "belle marquise" in pursuit of absolute faithfulness]. 239–266
Cronin, Michael. Jane Wilde, ou l'importance d'être Speranza [Jane Wilde or the importance of being Speranza]. 267–289
Flotow, Luise von. Julia E. Smith, traductrice de la bible, à la recherche de la vérité par le littéralisme [Julia E. Smith, translator of the Bible, in pursuit of the truth through literality]. 291–319