Publication details [#1787]
Arrojo, Rosemary. 1997. Pierre Menard und eine neue Definition des 'Originals' [Pierre Menard and a new definition of the 'original']. In Wolf, Michaela, ed. Übersetzungswissenschaft in Brasilien: Beiträge zum Status von 'Original' und Übersetzung [Translation Studies in Brasil: contributions to the status of the 'original' and its translation] (Studien zur Translation 3). Tübingen: Stauffenburg. pp. 25–34.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject
Title as subject
Arrojo analyses the translation process using the story Pierre Menard, autor del Quijote by Borges. Pierre Menard, a (fictional) French author, explores in his work different text, language and translation concepts which serve Arrojo to come to her own "new definition of the original". She proposes the metaphor palimpsest to denote that a source text cannot be translated faithfully into another language, but that it needs to be "rewritten". Consequently, Arrojo defines translations as producers of meaning.
Source : I. Van linthout