
Publication details [#182]

Cronin, Michael. 2002. Jane Wilde, ou l'importance d'être Speranza [Jane Wilde or the importance of being Speranza]. In Delisle, Jean. Portraits de traductrices [Portraits of women translators] (Perspectives on Translation). Ottawa: Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa. pp. 267–289.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Person as a subject


The author examines the life of Jane Elgee, Lady Wilde, who was born in Ireland in 1821. Later on Jane Elgee pretends that the name Elgee, is a variant of the Italian name Algiati, derived from Alighieri. That way, she builds an imaginary bound with Dante Alighieri. Later on Elgee uses a second name, Francesca, and when she starts writing and translating, she uses the pseudonym Speranza. Lady Wilde, Speranza, is fond of languages and translates from Russian, Turkish, Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese, although her great merit is translation from French, Italian and other classical languages. Apart from translating, Jane Wilde writes eclectic works and an indictment against the social and economic exploitation of women.
Source : Based on abstract in book