
Publication details [#1824]

Arrojo, Rosemary. 1994. Deconstruction and the teaching of translation. TEXTconTEXT 9 (1) : 1–12.


Arrojo argues that translation, like any other form of reading or interpretation, involves a transformation rather than a mere recovery of predetermined meaning. She pleads for a deconstruction of the logocentric concept of translation that would make both teachers and students of translation aware of the inextricable links that relate knowledge to power, meaning to production, translation to authorship. The educational practice should thus become a permanently critical reflection, providing students with the critical apparatus they need to find out what kind of strategy they should use in their translation projects. Arrojo concludes with Heather Murray's dictum that teachers and students "should teach and learn politically". In other words, they should be willing to analyse and discuss their methods of producing "truths" and exercising power and give up the futile hope to find the ultimate dictionary or glossary, the exact equivalent, the absolute fidelity, the immortal translation.
Source : I. Van linthout