
Publication details [#18297]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Unfortunately translation criticism is the most unappreciated sphere of translation theory. Translation criticism often consists of only laudatory hymns, or only reprimands, this showing ignorance on the part of the critic. Olgierd Wojtasiewicz proposed to recognize the process of translation as a process of searching for equivalent association. Seeing this rather as searching for acceptable associations, the author argues that attention should be paid to the associative aspect of translation. Also more attention must be paid to the recreating of associative elements from source text in the target text. Both source and target “associative unit of translation” and especially associative chains must be analysed. The degree of discrepancy at the different planes of the text must be researched, and different planes of culture should be taken into consideration. The critical analysis of the translation should take into account the multiplane and polysystem character of elements of source and target texts and concentrating on a recreation of the whole complexity of meanings of the source text. To this end, the author proposes two models of translation research: valuable and descriptive.
Source : Based on abstract in book