Publication details [#183]
Flotow, Luise von. 2002. Julia E. Smith, traductrice de la bible, à la recherche de la vérité par le littéralisme [Julia E. Smith, translator of the Bible, in pursuit of the truth through literality]. In Delisle, Jean. Portraits de traductrices [Portraits of women translators] (Perspectives on Translation). Ottawa: Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa. pp. 291–319. ![DOI logo](
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Chapter in book
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Person as a subject
Title as subject
This paper deals with Julia E. Smith, who started translating the Bible into English from several versions in Hebrew languages, in Greek and in Latin. She did that after what was called the Great Deception (Grande Deception) of 1844. The apocalypse which was predicted for 1843 didn’t occur and the religious people of New-England and the state of New York were confused. The publication of Julia’s translation of the Bible took place in 1876. It was the version on which feminist Elizabeth C. Stanton based herself to write the controversial Women’s Bible. Smith’ translation of the Bible was a very important work on the intellectual and the linguistic plan.
Source : Based on abstract in journal