
Publication details [#18314]

Kwapisz, Katarzyna. 2002. Comment traduire le subjonctif en Polonais? L’esquisse cognitive du subjonctif français et de ses équivalents polonais [How to translate the subjunctive into Polish? The cognitive outline of the French subjunctive and its Polish equivalents]. In Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara and Marcel Thelen, eds. Translation and meaning 6. Maastricht: Universitaire Pers. pp. 271–281.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language


The choice of moods is determined by the locutor’s attitude to the fragment of reality he talks about. It may either be a declarative attitude if the locator takes the responsibility for the truth value of the statement, a distancing attitude when he abstains from stating that p is true, which is based on considering the possibility of p being true or on the value judgement irrespective of the fact if p is true, and a neutral attitude when he expresses somebody else’s opinion. These attitudes are specified by semantic structures (mental and symbolic images) reflecting them and they result from the processing of information based on firstly mental categorization and then linguistic categorization of experience data according to the locutor’s knowledge, belief systems, values and doubts. Since subjunctive mood does not exist in Polish – which means there are differences in conceptualization of reality in the two languages, a translator is faced with the problem of finding its Polish equivalents. It becomes especially interesting in the situation when both indicative and subjunctive can be used in the same linguistic contexts.
Source : Abstract in book