
Publication details [#18342]

Gawłowska, Jadwiga Izabela. 2002. Zur Bedeutung von Formulierungsübungen in der Didaktik des Simultandolmetschens [About the meaning of formulation exercises in the didactics of simultaneous interpreting]. In Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara and Marcel Thelen, eds. Translation and meaning 6. Maastricht: Universitaire Pers. pp. 513–518.


Text formulation constitutes the basic skill and at the same time the major difficulty in the interpreter’s job. The quality of interpretation depends not only on understanding the source text, but to a large extent, on the skill of message formulation. The process of interpretation, and consequently the didactics thereof, should thus concentrate on the two skills: assimilation and adequate presentation in the target language (a perfect command of both working languages remains the sine qua non precondition). Development of the optimum text absorption is one of the main tasks of the interpreter training. The ease of text formulation influences both the method of note-taking and the quality of the booth performance. The author presents some of the numerous methods of developing particular skills and a selection of exercises preparing to work with a text (at various levels of training).
Source : Abstract in book