
Publication details [#18371]

Bloemen, Henri. 2002. Kom! Kom! Ja! Ja! De (vertaalde) Apocalyps als genre en als generatieve tekst [Come! Come! Yes! Yes! The (translated) Apocalypse as genre and as generative text]. In Gillaerts, Paul, ed. Talita koem: genres in bijbel en vertaling [Talita koem: genres in bible and translation]. Leuven: Acco. pp. 159–193.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The first part of this article deals with the role of genre in text constitution. This role can be seen as the paradox that belonging to a certain genre is just as substantial as deviating from it. Furthermore, the attention that is paid to “genre” in Translation Studies is discussed. The author tries to draw some provisional conclusions about the importance of a text type approach to translation. In the second part of this article, the author deals with the genre of “apocalyptical text”, referring to an analytical paradigm and to an interpretative supplement to this. Finally, the author discusses a – to his opinion - concrete example of a text type inspired translation of the Apocalypse by John (Book of Revelation of John).
Source : W. Tesseur