
Publication details [#18718]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


Comics can be considered a specific genre in which two different types of language are tied up: articulate language (i.e. words, sentences, etc.) and inarticulate language (i.e. representation of sounds and onomatopoeia), a specificity which imposes certain restrictions to the translator. This article proposes a model for the evaluation of the quality of translated comics, consisting of two phases: a first phase dealing with external factors and a second phase dealing with internal factors. External factors include: a) the historical, socio-cultural moment in which the original text is created; b) the type of reader addressed by it; c) the historical, socio-cultural moment in which the text is translated; d) the type of reader addressed by the target text; e) the possible influence of the initiator of the process of translation; f) the translator. Internal factors include: a) the treatment of colloquial language in the target text; b) technical limitations; c) the strategies used in the translation of inarticulate language.
Source : F. Zanettin