
Publication details [#18958]

Grupo Alfaqueque, Icíar Alonso, Jesús Baigorri, Concepción Otero and Gertrudis Payàs, eds. 2010. Los límites de Babel. Ensayos sobre la comunicación entre lenguas y culturas [The limits of Babel. Essays about communication across language and culture]. Madrid: Iberoamericana / Vervuert. 162 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language


This book is the result of the Alfaqueque Research Group’s reflections on the phenomenon of communication between languages and cultures. It emphasises the role played by those people who facilitate understanding between mutually strange cultures and languages, thus putting an end to the unintelligible cacophony identified with Babel. Depending on the places, the circumstances and the historical moment, these intermediaries have performed, and still perform, very different tasks, but their presence throughout history reminds us that their job should not be associated only with our contemporary societies but rather with all intercultural encounters derived from wars, migration waves or colonial ambitions. The contents of the book go back and forth from the immediate present to the recent past –the Spanish migration in the 1960s and 1970s– and a more remote past which goes back to the Middle Ages and the Age of Discovery and Exploration. It touches on very different geographical settings, from Northern Mexico to the Araucania, from the German society that hosted our emigrants to the Medieval kingdoms of Castile and Leon. They all share the constant transfer of languages, customs and cultural traditions. The examples from the daily life from the present and the past help to better understand the reality of our hybrid societies whose development is taking place, as tenaciously as in the past, in front of our eyes, in Spain and in many other countries.
Source : Based on I. Alonso