
Publication details [#19107]

Stone, Christopher. 2009. Toward a deaf translation norm (Studies in Interpretation 6). Washington D.C.: Gallaudet University Press. 224 pp.
Publication type
Publication language
Edition info
ISBN-13: 978-1-56368-418-0


As access for deaf people grows around the world, a new profession has begun to emerge as well, that of Deaf translators and interpreters (T/Is). In this volume the author explores this innovation, including its antecedents and how it is manifested in public places. Most importantly, the author investigates whether or not a Deaf translation norm has evolved as increasing numbers of Deaf T/Is work in the mainstream translating for websites, public services, government literature, and television media. The author concentrated his research in the United Kingdom. Specifically, he examined the rendering of English broadcast television news into British Sign Language (BSL) by both Deaf and hearing T/Is. Segments of the data feature simultaneous Deaf and hearing in-vision T/I broadcasts. Recording these broadcasts produced a controlled product that enabled direct comparison of the Deaf and hearing T/Is. Close analysis of these examples revealed to the author that Deaf T/Is not only employ a Deaf translation norm, they take labors to shape their BSL text into a stand-alone product rather than a translation.
Source : Based on publisher information

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