Publication details [#1911]
Burrell, Todd and Sean K. Kelly, eds. 1995. Translation: religion, ideology, politics (Translation Perspectives 8). Albany: State University of New York. vi + 169 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
ISSN: 0890-4758
This publication represents the eighth volume of Translation Perspectives, a monograph series published periodically by the Center for Research in Translation at Binghamton. Several of the essays included in it were first presented at a conference entitled 'Religion, Politics, Ideology', which was held in spring of 1994. Some of the issues discussed include comparative research of Bible translations, Jesuit theatre, an investigation of Samuel Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot translated into Chinese, political and religious elements in the tales of Hans Christian Andersen and the reception of their translations in Britain and America, translations of the Latin works of Cicero and Quintilian and other issues.
Source : Based on publisher information