Publication details [#19259]
Koskinen, Kaisa. 2010. “The biggest hurdle is the language issue”: translating and the European Commission’s communication policy. In Alonso Araguás, Icíar, Jesús Baigorri and Helen J. L. Campbell, eds. Translating justice. Traducir la justicia. Granada: Comares. pp. 61–71.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
This article examines recent developments in the European Commission’s communication policy, focusing on aspects such as web communication, localisation, participatory policies and dialogue with citizens, which have to pass through the process of translation. The concept of effectiveness has to be complemented by that of affectiveness, a major touchstone for institutional communication which requires new genres and new translation strategies. The new developments of the European Commission’s communication policies with an emphasis on the Web needs new translators’ competences and skills in multimedia translation, information design, localisation and online documentation. As English has become the Commission’s lingua franca, the role of translators is crucial in order to reach European citizens in their respective languages.
Source : I. Alonso