Publication details [#19566]
Šarčević, Susan. 2006. Die Übersetzung von mehrsprachigen EU-Rechtsvorschriften: der Kampf gegen Sprachdivergenzen [The translation of multilingual EU legislation: the fight against linguistic divergences]. In Gotti, Maurizio and Susan Šarčević, eds. Insights into specialized translation (Linguistic Insights: Studies in Language and Communication 46). Bern: Peter Lang. pp. 121–152.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
This article deals with the translation of EU legislation as specialized translation in a multilingual supranational setting. In particular, EU translators are called upon to take preventative measures against the increasing number of terminological divergences between the parallel texts. Since EU terminology is still in constant flux, it is too early to speak of an autonomous conceptual system at European level with equivalents in all languages. Due to the constant contact between European law and the national legal systems of the Member States, the greatest challenge to translators is to create neologisms or select equivalents that will enable national judges to make a clear distinction between EU and national concepts, thus promoting the uniform interpretation of the parallel texts of EU legislation. Examples are cited of terminological divergences disputed in the case law, as well as methods that can be used by drafters and translators to avoid terminological discrepancies and promote terminological cohesion in multilingual EU legislation.
Source : Based on M. Gotti & S. Šarčević