Publication details [#201]
Nouss, Alexis. 2001. The butterfly and the translator: reflections on hybrid textuality. Across Languages and Cultures 2 (2) : 227–235.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
The notion of hybridity in light of the French concept of métissage opens a third way between the reefs of totality (fusion, homogeneity) and differentialism (fragmentation, heterogeneity). In a hybrid composition, the components are still visible and it is the tension between them which gives its full value and its character to the alloying. Hybridity loses its negativity and becomes an ontological category, which should be not dependent on cultural and socio-historical factors. As long as any being is subject to time, its essence and existence become a succession of altered states. This paper explores the applications of such a theorisation to translation as a model of hybrid textuality and defines a "translative text" functioning as a bridge between the so-called source and target texts, which are only two sequential moments of textuality and two modes of saying.
Source : Based on abstract in journal