Publication details [#20241]
Gambier, Yves. 2010. Media, information et traduction á l’ère de la globalisation [Media, information and translation in the era of globalisation]. In Valdeón, Roberto A., ed. Translating information. Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo. pp. 13–31.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Translating information – whether it be political, diplomatic, economic, etc – is an underresearched area in Translation Studies, even if in the era of globalization, information reflects and shapes at the same time the ways in which we view the world. Another important paradox to be mentioned is that information, relayed through a variety of media (printed press, magazines, television, radio, the Internet, mobile phones) tend to be filtered through a lingua franca, English, in order to be disseminated. In this chapter, the author throws light on the following aspects: the complexity of languages contributing to the circulation of news, and their power in the communication and international relations in today’s world; the role of translation (transediting, adaptation, mediation) in the selection, production and distribution of information, with particular reference to news agencies;the transformations resulting from translational strategies characteristic of journalistic practices and attempting to bridge the gap between the local and the global, taking into account cultural differences, and the structures and values of the media, e.g in Le Monde Diplomatique. From on line agency dispatches to televised news, from newspaper articles to interviews given at the other side of the world, translation plays a significant role in the meaning-making of the information. This points to the need to (re)consider the role and position of translators in the current globalization process.
Source : Based on editor