
Publication details [#2025]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


Interpreters who work in community settings were surveyed in a worldwide study conducted in 1998-99. The aim of the survey was to gain insight from the interpreters’ perspective into the nature of community-based interpreting (CBI). Subjects were approached through interpreter associations (Critical Link and other networks) worldwide. Practicing interpreters were asked to give factual details of their work, languages, experience and training, and to express their views on their role, working conditions, and status. They were also asked to identify qualities and skills needed for CBI and the guiding principles underlying their work. Most survey-questions were open-ended to give respondents the opportunity to express their thoughts more fully. The final sample of 92 interpreters, mainly working in government settings, came from seven different countries. Survey findings answered some of the questions initially raised, and the results are presented in this report.
Source : Abstract in book