Publication details [#2041]
Camp, Karin van. 1994. The translation of Pippi Longstocking into Dutch: a test case. In Robyns, Clem, ed. Translation and the (re)production of culture (CETRA Publications 2). Leuven: The CERA Chair for Translation, Communication and Cultures. pp. 19–47.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Person as a subject
Title as subject
This is a pilot study for the investigation of children’s books translated into Dutch after the Second World War. The author wants to deal with the Dutch translation of a book said to be the most important work of children’s literature of the century, namely Pippi Longstocking. It aims to compare the Dutch and German translations of the work. After providing a brief introduction to the work, the author wants to focus on some important external and internal features of the original and the translation.
Source : Based on information from author(s)