Publication details [#205]
Zauberga, Ieva. 2001. Discourse interference in translation. Across Languages and Cultures 2 (2) : 265–276. 
This article focuses on three major factors that may enhance the degree of hybridity of target texts: first, the ideological background, i.e., the prestige accorded to the source culture in relation to the target culture; second, translator’s competence, i.e., the translator’s ability to rationalise the translation process and choose an adequate translation strategy; third, the skopos of translation, i.e. hybrid features may be deliberately imposed upon the translation to enable the text to serve a given function. Each of these factors is analysed within a framework of a concrete text. The conclusion of this analysis is that due to the functionalist approach, the concept of translation has become diffused and refers to texts whose relation vis-a-vis the original ranges from a faithful copy to free rewrites. Therefore there may be target texts which bear no obvious imprint of the source text. However, all translations by and large are transfers of one text into another language/culture system and therefore qualify as hybrids.
Source : Abstract in journal