
Publication details [#20565]

Frawley, William. 2000. Prolegomenon to a theory of translation. In Venuti, Lawrence and Mona Baker. The Translation Studies reader. London: Routledge. pp. 252–263.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


In this article the author sets out to create some clear definitions in the field of translation theory. Up until that moment, there is no clear translation theory and the author points out the need for straightforward answers. He starts off with creating his theory by stating that translation means recodification and that hence a theory of translation is a set of propositions about how, why, when and where coded elements are rendered into other codes. Translation thus is the problem of transfer of codes. He concludes that future theories of translation would surely not suffer from concentrating on translation as an epistemological question and from focusing on the new information that arises from recodification.
Source : W. Tesseur