
Publication details [#20625]

Gueunier, Nicole. 2009. Deux moments-clés dans l’histoire de la traduction biblique [Two key moments in biblical translation]. In Lassave, Pierre, ed. Traduire l'intraduisible [Translating the untranslatable]. Special issue of Archives de sciences sociales des religions 147 (3): 21–39.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


A long time after the main ancient Greek and Latin versions, then the Mediaeval ones, the Renaissance and the European 20th and 21st centuries represent two particularly innovative times in the field of biblical translation. In the 16th century, two groups of editorial events are noticeable: the first one is the quantitative development of new Latin humanist translations which challenge the Vulgate; and the second one is the expansion of vernacular European translations. They enable new and diverse reading publics to discover or rediscover the Bible: ordinary mainly Protestant-believers, theologians, humanists, scholars. In the 20th-21st centuries, several types of new translations came out in European (and other) languages. Some are explicitly confessional, first Reformed, then Catholic in the forties, and lastly œcumenical from the eighties. A second group is mainly constituted of non-confessional scholarly translations. Lastly, even some confessional versions take to some extent into account the secularization of religious language.
Source : Abstract in journal