Publication details [#20714]
Bachleitner, Norbert and Michaela Wolf. 2010. ÜbersetzerInnen als "gatekeepers"? (Selbst-)Zensur als Voraussetzung für die Aufnahme in das literarische Feld der späten Habsburgermonarchie [Translators as "gatekeepers"? Self-censorship as a condition for inclusion in the literary field of late Habsburg Monarchy]. In Merkle, Denise, Carol O'Sullivan, Luc van Doorslaer and Michaela Wolf, eds. The power of the pen: translation and censorship in nineteenth-century Europe (Repräsentation-Transformation: Translating across Cultures and Societies 4). Münster: LIT Verlag. pp. 29–53.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject
In 1848, official censorship was abolished under the Habsburg Monarchy. Nevertheless, prosecutors continued to ban publication, thereby denying the reading public access to a great variety of books. Book banning and publication legislation exerted pressures on cultural procedures that took the form of a type of self-censorship in translation. As a result, translators took on the role of “gatekeepers” who, on the one hand, denied entry to ideas that were not well received by the target culture, while, on the other, allowing entry to “adapted” ideas that they had made acceptable to conform to the tastes of the reading public under the Habsburg Monarchy. Taking inspiration from Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of structural censorship, it is demonstrated how these two gatekeeping activities impacted on the respective translation strategies retained by the translators of Gustave Flaubert’s and Giuseppe Garibaldi’s novels.
Source : Based on abstract in book