Publication details [#20804]
Suau Jiménez, Francisca. 2010. La traducción especializada (en inglés y español en géneros de economía y empresa) [Specialised translation (in English and Spanish in the field of economics and business)]. Madrid: Arco Libros. 152 pp.
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This book discusses specialised translation with the parameters of genre, register and metadiscourse in mind and develops a theory applicable to the field of economic and business texts. It analyses the communication needs of enterprises and institutions. It also describes the language characteristics of business English and Spanish. It offers strategies and solutions for the linguistic analysis that is needed before translating economic and business texts. It provides the reader with numerous practical examples and their translation. The study starts from previous publications (Suau Jiménez, 1998; 2006) that address specialised translation from the view of genre and register. Here, a new dimension is added: that of metadiscourse, which is based on the development of the interpersonal function of Halliday (1978, 1964), and which was afterwards developed by other authors (Crismore and Farnsworth, 1990; Hyland and Tse, 2004).
Source : W. Tesseur