
Publication details [#20931]

Price, Stuart. 2010. "This is outside my competency": government websites, official utterance and Nea Demokratia’s foreign policy. In Schäffner, Christina and Susan Bassnett, eds. Political discourse, media and translation. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 211–232.


The author illustrates how the Internet is used as a tool of communication. On the basis of the websites of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he shows how the ruling party attempts to promote its values and policies, thus using web-based political discourse as a form of advocacy. Since official government websites aim to make an impact on both domestic and international audiences, a certain amount of information is translated into English as the lingua franca of “western” diplomacy. He comments on the assumed and real effectiveness of webpages which reproduce formal speech-events. His main conclusion is that webpages are devoted to manage the flow of information and to maintaining a public façade rather than as a means of extending democratic engagement.
Source : Based on C. Schäffner & S. Bassnett