
Publication details [#20932]

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Chapter in book
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This chapter serves as a postscript to the volume. The author points out that public communications give more and more opportunities to citizens, as consumers, to express their views about politics. In modern time, with cable and satellite TV networks spreading rapidly and competitively across the globe, the communication continuum stretches from the interest of multinational news corporations to the spontaneous actions of ordinary citizens. In these processes, translation is of significant relevance, even though the link between politics, media and translation remains largely hidden. These new developments call into question our traditional concepts, such as media, culture, and nation. He calls for more empirical studies into the role of translation for public communication, especially regarding the socio-economic and social contexts. In this way, Translation Studies will also have to go beyond its traditional discipline boundaries.
Source : Based on C. Schäffner & S. Bassnett