
Publication details [#21031]

Andres, Dörte and Sonja Pöllabauer, eds. 2009. Spürst du, wie der Bauch rauf-runter? Fachdolmetschen im Gesundheitsbereich / Is everything all topsy-turny in your tummy? Health care interpreting (InterPartes 5). München: Meidenbauer. 195 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
This edited volume contains articles in German and English.


The health service and social institutions are increasingly confronted with “foreigners” as clients/patients. Satisfactory communication between employees of these institutions and migrants, but also tourists and business traveler, is one of the main conditions when it comes to fulfilling the duty to provide services. Nevertheless, it is often non-professionals, mainly family members – even children – and hospital personnel who perform this important task and act as interpreters. This leads to misunderstandings, errors in treatment, increased costs, as well as excessive demands on and role conflicts for the interpreters. This edited volume was created within the framework of the MedInt (Grundtvig) Project and deals with various aspects of medical interpretation. It demonstrates the necessity of professionalization and constitutes a step in the direction of an increased awareness for the training and use of medical interpreters.
Source : Based on publisher information

Articles in this volume