
Publication details [#21034]

Felgner, Lars. 2009. Zur Bedeutung der nonverbalen Kommunikation im gedolmetschten medizinischen Gespräch [On the importance of nonverbal communication in the medical interpreter-interview]. In Andres, Dörte and Sonja Pöllabauer, eds. Spürst du, wie der Bauch rauf-runter? Fachdolmetschen im Gesundheitsbereich / Is everything all topsy-turny in your tummy? Health care interpreting (InterPartes 5). München: Meidenbauer. pp. 45–70. URL


This article highlights and discusses a number of areas in which nonverbal communication and medical interpreting intersect. The article sets out to provide a brief overview of the theoretical approaches to nonverbal communication that are fruitful in connection with dialogue interpreting. It then defines triadic communication as a complex, multilayered process in which language, paralanguage, and kinetics are constantly operating in interdependence. The article then examines the concept of nonverbal contextualization cues. Based on this theoretical background, the article determines the relevant competences of medical interpreters in relation to nonverbal communication and addresses whether an interpreter should engage in an identifying mode of interpreting that includes a reproduction of the nonverbal and paraverbal parts of the message. This is followed by a larger chapter on the advantages and disadvantages of various seating orders in interpreted medical encounters and their implications for nonverbal communication within the triad. After providing some insight into the special working conditions in the medical environment, the potential influence of these features on the spatial and nonverbal behavior of the dialogue interpreter and the other interlocutors is analyzed. The next chapter deals with the physical and psychological impact of the most typical seating arrangements on the doctor-patient-interpreter- triad. The article then focuses on mental health care and examines what kind of effects various seating orders have on the therapist-client-interpreter-relationship. It concludes by pointing out some areas for further research based on its findings.
Source : Based on abstract in book