
Publication details [#21036]


The work of translators and interpreters today is strongly connected with the application of language tools for both compiling language resources and managing the data obtained. In the case of interpreting which demands good knowledge of a specialized field, it is also prudent to include basic knowledge of language tools in interpreter training. Although the majority of discussions on the use of language tools are connected with translation (Austermühl 2001/Olohan 2004), today’s interpreters also use electronic resources and tools, especially when preparing for a specific interpreting job (Fantinuoli 2006). Communication problems often arise from insufficient knowledge of terminology rather than a lack of general language skills. The incorrect use of terminology may not only produce negative effects in terms of economic performance but – due to inadequate translations – even cause harm or injury in situations involving safety regulations or instructions for use. Furthermore, at the educational level inadequate terminology can reduce efficiency, in technical documentation unsuccessful interlingual transfer can increase costs, in contracts and legal documents it can reduce the level of legal protection, and so on. In medical interpreting, insufficient knowledge of terminology can lead to even more serious consequences; this is why this type of expertise is extremely important, and the tools and procedures presented below prove to be extremely helpful during the acquisition of specialized expertise through learning terminology.
Source : Abstract in book