
Publication details [#21046]

Wedam, Uta. 2009. Sprachkultur. Plädoyer für das Dolmetschen im therapeutischen Kontext [Language culture. A plea for interpreting in a therapeutic context]. In Andres, Dörte and Sonja Pöllabauer, eds. Spürst du, wie der Bauch rauf-runter? Fachdolmetschen im Gesundheitsbereich / Is everything all topsy-turny in your tummy? Health care interpreting (InterPartes 5). München: Meidenbauer. pp. 181–195. URL


Especially in health and social services we find refugees and migrants in different postures and also drawing on communication boundaries. This article offers an insight into the content of therapeutic work and shows how helpful it is for suffering people to be able to talk and how useful it is for therapists to have a good professional tool to fall back on.
Source : W. Tesseur