
Publication details [#21053]

Talens, Manuel. 2010. Las lenguas de Tlaxcala: pequeña historia de una larga marcha [The languages of Tlaxcala: a short history of a long walk]. In Boéri, Julie and Carol Maier, eds. Translation/interpreting and social activism / Compromiso social y traducción/interpretación. Granada: ECOS. pp. 179–184.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


After sharing his personal experience in the project known as “Don Quijote’s Leftwingers”, whose goal was to translate alternative texts into English in order to provide a counter-weight to the abundant translation of alternative articles from English, the author reflects upon the manipulative role played by the media for more than a century. This experience and his reflection upon both the role of the alternative media and the importance of translation for the media serves as an introduction to Tlaxcala, the network of translators for language diversity.
Source : Based on abstract in book