Publication details [#21078]
Carretero, Ignacio. 2010. Free software and translation: OmegaT, a free software alternative for professional translation. In Boéri, Julie and Carol Maier, eds. Translation/interpreting and social activism / Compromiso social y traducción/interpretación. Granada: ECOS. pp. 146–151.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Today professional translation is intimately linked to the use of computer-aided translation, or CAT, software. The existing imbalances of power in the translation market affect professional translators: they become dependent on proprietary tools, which, in general, jeopardises their freedom in both an ethical and a practical sense. Fortunately however, there are alternative free software tools that add versatility to the daily professional task of translators. Such is the case of OmegaT, an easy to use, free software tool dedicated to the translation of file formats that adhere to open standards. The widespread use of those open standards grants translators greater freedom to choose not only their tools, but also their work methods; and it opens the door for liberation with respect to the current impositions present on the translation market.
Source : Abstract in book