Publication details [#21236]
Aquino Albres, Neiva de. 2010. Mesclagem de voz e tipos de discursos no processo de interpretação da lingual de sinais para o português oral [Merging voice and discourse types in the process of sign language interpreting into the oral Portuguese language]. In Müller De Quadros, Ronice, ed. Tradução e Interpretação de Línguas de Sinais [Sign Language Translating and Interpreting]. Special issue of Cadernos de Tradução 2 (26): 291–306. URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Source language
Target language
This article describes the phenomenon of language in the act of simultaneous interpretation – to capture the unique character of the signification of seeing the enunciation, of processing it, and of the production into the target language with the equivalences between tone of voice and the utterances made in the source language. The focus of this investigation is the preference of voice modulation made by sign language interpreters for the oral Portuguese language. It analyzes the speech corpus of a deaf university student who took part in a roundtable discussion entitled "The University and the Deaf: an inevitable encounter" with a speech by a campaigner demanding the presence of sign language interpreters and educational changes at University.
Source : Abstract in journal