
Publication details [#21576]

Arsaye, Jean-Pierre. 2004. Français-créole / créole-français: de la traduction. Éthique, pratiques, problèmes, enjeux [French-Creole / Creole-French: on translation. Ethics, practices, problems, issues]. Paris: Editions L'Harmattan & Presses Universitaires Créoles. 496 pp.
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In the Antillean-Guyanese world, marked by French-Creole diglossia (which creates a status difference between these two languages), the practice of translation as well as its ethics escape all traditional translation concepts that are appropriate to the West. In the West, the role of translation is constituent of all literature, philosophy and social sciences (cf. Antoine Berman). From a purely literary point of view, is it appropriate to translate a highly literary language like French into a language that is not yet literary or that is only on the way of becoming literary (like the Creole language)? If the answer is affirmative, how should this operation be performed, meaning which concepts or procedures should be used?
Source : W. Tesseur

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