
Publication details [#21868]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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To solve the dispute over translatability, Jakobson (1959) noted that languages differ not in what they can express but in what they must express, referring to systemic features in general. However, modern history of languages is interspersed with cases when new generic conventions, before they constituted and consolidated, initially build on the imported genre through interlingual transfer. In the (poly)system theory, such transfers represent a primary system, active in the process of the constitution of a domestic genre. This includes the case of the re-created Czech advertising genre when the “must” was imposed on the language in terms of literal translation first. The article draws on empirical results from the period 1990-2001 on publicised marketing research results, analytical articles and reports published in the Strategie magazine over the period 1993-2001.
Source : Based on abstract in book