
Publication details [#21910]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Title as subject


The Roman de la Rose was perhaps the most popular and influential work of medieval French narrative verse. Begun around 1230 by Guillaume de Lorris and completed in the 1270s by Jean de Meun, it survives today in some 300 manuscripts and early printed editions. Its impact on subsequent French literature was enormous. In addition to literary imitation, the Rose underwent abridgement, interpolation, and sometimes extensive reworking at the hands of medieval scribes. It is no surprise that its impact extended outside of France and that it was translated several times during the century following Jean de Meuns continuation of the poem. This article focuses on the four medieval translations that are known, i.e. a Flemish, a Brabantine Dutch, an Italian and an English translation.
Source : Based on information from author(s)