
Publication details [#22029]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject
Place, Publisher
Bristol: Multilingual Matters


This chapter describes the fusion or voices that help the author shape a distinct queer Glaswegian poetic persona. First, the Glaswegian poet Tom Leonard, who produced intralingual translations of American poems into the Glaswegian dialect is shown to create multiple oppositions to the perception of language as a transparent medium and to majoritarian middle class ideologies. Edwin Morgan, the second source of inspiration for Kinloch, exhibits a deft use of ambivalences and silences; Morgan both ventriloquised in his own poems and directly translated the work of eastern European poets, paying special attention to source texts with conflicted figures. Finally, the work of the twentieth century Scottish poet Hugh McDiarmid is examimed; as is argued, although McDiarmid’s modernist poem A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle (1926) may seems like an odd option, this poem is ideal as it generates the ‘enforced viewpoint’ of ambiguities and oppositions that are the hallmarks of an exploration of sexuality.
Source : D. Asimakoulas