
Publication details [#22042]

Hague, Daryl R., Alan K. Melby and Wang Zheng. 2011. Surveying translation quality assessment: a specification approach. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 5 (2) : 243–267.


This article introduces the notion of translation specifications based on a standard set of translation parameters, whose values depend mostly on factors external to the source text, such as audience and purpose. The specification approach applies to both translation pedagogy and commercial translation practice and goes beyond the customer brief to include documentation of requirements of all stakeholders. A survey of the literature on translation competence and translation quality assessment reveals a convergence of thought, presented here in the form of a model in which specifications are central. Criticisms of functionalism are also addressed. A survey of programmes in translation and interpreting currently offered in the United States uncovers the need for implementation of the model described. The article ends with a call for the use of translation project specifications in all aspects of translator training and education, including exit examinations, as well as in commercial, government and non-profit translation projects.
Source : Publisher information