Publication details [#22228]
Fischer, Beatrice. 2011. Gender als curriculares Element? Gendersensibilität in der translatorischen Curriculumentwichlung [Gender as a curriculum element? Gender-sensitivity in the development of a interpreting curriculum]. In Kainz, Claudia, Erich Prunč and Rafael Schögler, eds. Modelling the field of community interpreting. Questions of methodology in research and training (Repräsentation-Transformation: Translating across Cultures and Societies 6). Münster: LIT Verlag. pp. 103–124.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
The article contributes to research on interpreting pedagogy by introducing a gendered perspective on community interpreter training and curriculum design. Gender-related questions are intrinsically inscribed in relations of power, ideology and ethics, thus community interpreters require a particularly critical consideration of these facts’ implications on the interpreting process. As a result, it seems vital to integrate gender issues in community interpreting curricula and thus in teaching, as will be argued in this article. By analysing the curriculum of the Certificate Programme in Community Interpreting (Universitätslehrgang Kommunaldolmetschen), offered at the University of Graz, it will be discussed how gender-related questions can be included in community interpreting curricula in general. The analysis is based on Hey's model for gender-sensitive curriculum design (2010) and aims at introducing gender-sensitive curriculum contents for the teaching of future interpreters in this field.
Source : Abstract in book