Publication details [#22253]
Alvstad, Cecilia, Adelina Hild and Elisabet Tiselius, eds. 2011. Methods and strategies of process research. Integrative approaches in Translation Studies (Benjamins Translation Library 94). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. xii + 377 pp. 
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
The volume includes contributions on the cognitive processes underlying translation and interpreting, which represent innovative research with a methodological and empirical orientation. The methodological section offers an assessment/validation of different time lag measures; discusses the challenges of interpreting keystroke and eye-tracking data in translation, and triangulating disfluency analysis and eye-tracking data in sight translation research. The remainder of the volume features empirical studies on such topics as: metaphor comprehension; audience perception in subtitling research; translation and meta-linguistic awareness; effect of language-pair specific factors on interpreting quality. A special section is dedicated to expertise studies which look at the link between problem analysis and meta-knowledge in experienced translators; the effects of linguistic complexity on expert interpreting; strategic processing and tacit knowledge in professional interpreting.
Source : Publisher information
Articles in this volume
Vandepitte, Sonia and Robert J. Hartsuiker. Metonymic language use as a student translation problem: towards a controlled psycholinguistic investigation. 67–92 
Shreve, Gregory M., Isabel Lacruz and Erik Angelone. Sight translation and speech disfluency: performance analysis as a window to cognitive translation processes. 93–120 
Timarová, Šárka, Barbara Dragsted and Inge Gorm Hansen. Time lag in translation and interpreting: a methodological exploration. 121–146 
Shlesinger, Miriam and Ruth Almog. A new pair of glasses: translation skills in secondary school. 149–168 
Rydning Fougner, Antin and Christian Lachaud. Are primary conceptual metaphors easier to understand than complex conceptual metaphors? An investigation of the cognitive processes in metaphor comprehension. 169–186 
Gile, Daniel. Errors, omissions and infelicities in broadcast interpreting: preliminary findings from a case study. 201–218 
Norberg, Ulf. On cognitive processes during wordplay translation: students translating adversarial humor. 219–229 
Hild, Adelina. Effects of linguistic complexity on expert processing during simultaneous interpreting. 249–267 
Tiselius, Elisabet and Gard Buen Jenset. Process and product in simultaneous interpreting: what they tell us about experience and expertise. 269–300