
Publication details [#2229]

Szablya, Helen M. and John F. Szablya. 1994. World events create opportunities and challenges for translators and interpreters: translating words is but a part. In Hammond, Deanna L., ed. Professional issues for translators and interpreters (American Translators Association Scholarly Monograph Series 7). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 47–57.


As the political climate changes, so does the need for certain languages. Preparing to meet future demands poses a challenge for those hoping to become translators and for those who want to ensure a source of income. For example, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, more documents in need of translation are appearing in languages of former Soviet states, such as Ukrainian, Estonian, Lithuanian, and Latvian. At the same time, that collapse brought about a rapid decline in U.S. government translations of security-related documents from Russian. Thus, many translators are asking what languages they should be studying or what areas of expertise will be useful in the future. However, as this article states, the political changes can also mean increased opportunities for translators wishing to combine language expertise with their business or marketing skills. The case of Hungary is described and knowledge of the two cultures is deemed essential.
Source : Based on publisher information