
Publication details [#2244]

Demoor, Marysa. 1995. Laat-Victoriaanse vertaalsters en vertaalpraktijk in de columns van The Athenaeum [Late-victorian translators and translation practice in the columns of The Athenaeum]. In Delabastita, Dirk and Theo Hermans, eds. Vertalen historisch bezien: tekst, metatekst, theorie [Translating regarded historically: text, metatext, theory]. 's-Gravenhage: Stichting Bibliographia Neerlandica. pp. 35–50.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


Looking at which works are reviewed by whom at The Athenaeum, the author finds that the female critics – of whom forty percent were translators as well - were assigned mainly translated literature. Their earnest and precise reading of these works displays a professional look at translation techniques. They find that not anybody can be a translator. A feel for language is an absolute prerequisite for the translator, as s/he should consolidate the literary qualities of the original. Moreover, the translation should be readable; it should sound as natural and fluent in the target culture as the original text in the source culture. Nevertheless, their translation criticism is not recognizably feminine. The author hypothesizes that the female critics’ first aim was to be appointed as regular critics to a well-paying and influential magazine. An indirect revelation of their identities through style or contents would only damage their position.
Source : Based on L. Jans