
Publication details [#2245]

Naaijkens, Ton. 1995. De slag om Shelley: over de autonome vertaalopvattingen van Willem Kloos [The fight for Shelley: on Willem Kloos's autonomous translation views]. In Delabastita, Dirk and Theo Hermans, eds. Vertalen historisch bezien: tekst, metatekst, theorie [Translating regarded historically: text, metatext, theory]. 's-Gravenhage: Stichting Bibliographia Neerlandica. pp. 51–70.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Title as subject


In this article Ton Naaijkens wants to illustrate the idea that the historiography of thinking about translation cannot be but distorted when translation reviews and certain aspects of translation discourse, which are seemingly not related to translation, are discarded. The circumstances in which translations did not occur are also influential to the translation discourse. The historical period in Dutch literary history treated in this article coincides with Willem Kloos’s literary career, i.e. 1859-1938.
Source : L. Jans