
Publication details [#22470]

Valero-Garcés, Carmen and Rosa Cobas Álvares. 2011. Traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos. Primeros pasos [Public service interpreting: the first steps]. Granada: Comares. 191 pp.


The increasing movement of people between countries in the modern world requires that interpreters and translators take their place, shoulder to shoulder, with members of other professions in the public services, such as doctors, lawyers and social workers. Interpreters and translators, and others with needed language skills, must therefore earn that place by undertaking what is necessary to become a recognized profession with nationally recognized training, assessments, qualifications and a code of conduct. This book provides an introduction to this emerging and socially critical branch of the language professions. The focus is on the development of a professional framework in which public service professionals, including managers, can learn to work together with their new colleagues to deliver a professional service to those seeking access across linguistic and cultural barriers.
Source : Based on publisher information

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