
Publication details [#22792]

Coelho, Fernando. 2011. Em busca de uma fundamentação para a tradução de filosofia antiga: o aspecto hermenêutico [In search of a foundation for the translation of ancient philosophy: the hermeneutic aspect]. Scientia Traductionis 10 : 90–100. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject


The translation of ancient philosophical texts raises a couple of problems concerning, first, the foundations of the possibility of their understanding by the readers of the 21st century and, secondly, the methods that can be used in the translation of them. This article aims to discuss the first aspect of this dual problem within the orientations of the historicist hermeneutic method developed by F. Schleiermacher and getting to the philosophical implications of understanding the other and the practice of translation.
Source : Abstract in journal