Publication details [#2283]
Gillaerts, Paul. 1995. Er staat niet wat er staat: een onderzoek naar de strategie achter de psalmberijmingen van Martinus Nijhoff [It does not say what it says: a study on the strategies behind Martinus Nijhoff's rhymed version of the psalms]. In Bloemen, Henri, Erik Hertog and Winibert Segers, eds. Letterlijkheid/woordelijkheid - literality/verbality (Nieuwe Cahiers voor Vertaalwetenschap 4). Antwerpen: Fantom. pp. 97–111.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject
Title as subject
Paul Gillaerts starts off with the reflection that Nijhoff’s rhymed version of the psalms, like his pre-occupation with miracle plays, has only been studied with regard to his poetry. Gillaerts, however, considers the rhymed version as integral to Nijhoff’s literary oeuvre. In the first part of the essay the author examines Nijhoff’s concrete involvement in the church committee that decided in the fifties on a new rhymed version of the psalms. In the second part, the rhymed version itself is discussed. From a comparison of Nijhoff’s rhymed version with other rhymed versions and the commentaries and mode of operation in the church committees, the author tries to obtain a view of Nijhoff’s translation strategy.
Source : L. Jans