Publication details [#22850]
Grbić, Nadja. 2008. Wörter machen Leute. Eine Analyse von deutschsprachigen Publikationstiteln zum Community Interpreting [Words make people. An analysis of German publication titles on community interpreting]. In Vorderobermeier, Gisella and Michaela Wolf, eds. “Meine Sprache grenzt mich ab…” Transkulturalität und kulturelle Übersetzung im Kontext von Migration [“Meine Sprache grenzt mich ab…” Transculturality and cultural translation in migration context] (Repräsentation-Transformation: Translating across Cultures and Societies). Münster: LIT Verlag. pp. 189–224.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
This contribution analyses personal appellations in publication titles on Community Interpreting published between 1980 and 2006 in the German-speaking countries. Based on the assumption that the appellations are consciously chosen by the authors, the paper investigates the effect of the socio-political positioning they achieve and the meta-discursive reflection on word selection that is assumed to have accompanied them. The paper focuses on the following questions: which collective appellations are used for the non-German-speaking interpretating clients? Can discourse-typical appellations be identified? Are there historical discursive continuities and disruptions? How do these appellations relate to the appellations of other relevant actors in the interpreting triad?
Source : Abstract in book