Publication details [#2299]
Lefevere, André. 1995. The world in two languages: on translating "hybrid" texts. In Bloemen, Henri, Erik Hertog and Winibert Segers, eds. Letterlijkheid/woordelijkheid - literality/verbality (Nieuwe Cahiers voor Vertaalwetenschap 4). Antwerpen: Fantom. pp. 223–233.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject
André Lefevere starts off with the observation that, despite the increasing production of hybrid texts, translation studies hardly integrates these texts in its research corpus. Lefevere defines hybrid texts as texts ‘produced by so-called hybrid cultures’. He gives examples of (post)colonial situations, but stresses the fact that hybrid texts should not be exclusively associated with (post)colonial situations. Hybrid texts create difficult problems for translation and as such should not be ignored by translation studies. With this paper Lefevere wants to introduce them to the discipline, by means of an analysis of Charles Decoster’s La légende et les aventures héroiques, joyeuses et glorieuses d’Ulenspiegel et de Lamme Goedzak au pays de Flandres et ailleurs, a work written in French, interspersed with 16th- century Dutch. Lefevere includes three English translations, two German and two Dutch translations in his analysis
Source : L. Jans